Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Allentown Morning Call 12-27-07

Cyber Charter Schools Already at a Disadvantage

December 27, 2007

I do not feel that the Dec. 9 editorial, ''House bill would set high standards for cyber charter school accountability,'' was representative of both sides of the argument. While some regulation of cyber charter schools is needed and proper, House Bill 446, proposed by state Rep. Karen Beyer, is unfair in how it addresses funding of cyber charter schools.

It will not ''level the playing field,'' as the editorial says. This bill will unfairly distribute education funds within Pennsylvania and drastically cut funding for cyber charter schools. Cyber charter schools get approximately 40 percent less per student than the local school districts spend per student.

Cyber charter schools already require mandatory attendance, as stipulated by the state. The playing field is already slanted in favor of the local school districts, not toward cyber charter schools. House Bill 446 would only tilt the playing field even more in favor of the local school districts.

Lisa Dress


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